Thursday, March 31, 2011

Guidelines for Activate Cycle

General Guidelines for the Activate Cycle

1. Stay on the Activate Cycle for 17 days. The Activate Cycle consists of alternating between Activate days and Accelerate days.

2. Remove skin from chicken or turkey prior to cooking or purchase skinless poultry.

3. Trim all visible fat from meat.

4. About eggs: You may eat up to two eggs a day. But stick to no more than four yolks per week if your physician has diagnosed you with high cholesterol. Egg whites can be eaten without restriction.

5. Keep gobbling up those fresh fruits and vegetables before they become science-air project-worthy in the crisper. For convenience, frozen and canned items are fine, if chosen in moderation. These products should be unsweetened, however.

6. Continue to avoid alcohol and sugar in order to help your body eliminate toxins, improve digestion and burn fat.

7. Don’t eat more than two servings daily from the natural starches list.

8. Do not eat your fruit or natural starch serving past

9. Eat slowly and only until full; do not overload your stomach. Use my Hunger/Fullness Meter.

10. Drink eight 8-ounce glasses of pure water a day.

11. Exercise at least 17 minutes a day.

1 comment:

  1. Well it is the end of Cycle 1. Yea made it thur, looking forward to adding a few items to this. I lost a total of 11 pounds so far
