Thursday, March 31, 2011

17 day menu for Activate

Meal Planning Made Easy

On Activate days, you eat:
• Liberal amounts of protein and cleansing vegetables.
• Two daily servings of natural starches (carbohydrates).
• Two low-sugar fruit servings.
• Two servings of probiotic foods.
• One daily serving of friendly fat.

Here’s a typical day on the Activate Cycle:
• ½ cup hot whole grain cereal or 2 eggs or 4
egg whites, prepared without oil; 1 Dr. Mike’s
Power Cookie; or one probiotic serving
• 1 fruit serving
• 1 cup green tea
• Liberal amounts of protein in the form of fish, shellfish, meat, or chicken or eggs, or vegetables plus 1 probiotic serving
• 1 serving natural starch
• Unlimited amounts of cleansing vegetables
• 1 cup green tea
• Liberal amounts of protein in the form of fish, shellfish, meat, or chicken or turkey
• Unlimited amounts of cleansing vegetables
• 1 cup green tea
• 2nd fruit serving
• 2nd probiotic serving
• 1 friendly fat serving (1 to 2 tablespoons of
olive oil or flaxseed oil to use on salads, vegetables, or for cooking)

Remember: Follow one day of the Activate Cycle
with a menu from the Accelerate Cycle, and alternate
accordingly for a total of 17 days.

17 Sample Menus

Here are examples of how to create your daily meals during the Activate  cycle. You may follow these exactly or create your own menus based on the above guidelines. Recipes are in the Appendix.

Wake-up drink
Every morning, as soon as you rise, drink one 8-ounce cup of hot water. Squeeze half a lemon into the cup; the lemon stimulates your digestive juices. Your goal is to drink at least six to seven more glasses of water by the end of the day. The rate at which you burn calories drops if you’re dehydrated. And if you’re dehydrated, your body doesn’t absorb nutrients properly.

Day 1
• 1 Dr. Mike’s Power Cookie
• 1 fresh peach, sliced
• 1 cup green tea
• Chicken salad: baked or grilled chicken breast (diced), loose-leaf lettuce, 1 sliced tomato, assorted salad veggies, 2 tablespoons olive oil mixed with 4 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
• ½ cup brown rice
• 6 oz. sugar-free fruit flavored yogurt
• Grilled salmon
• Steamed veggies
• Protein Smoothie: 1 cup acidophilus milk or
kefir blended with 1 cup frozen unsweetened
Day 2
• Accelerate Cycle menu
Day 3
• 2 scrambled egg whites
• ½ grapefruit, or other fresh fruit of your choice
• 1 cup green tea
• 1 large bowl of Chicken-Vegetable Soup or
grilled chicken breast and plenty of steamed veggies
• 1 medium baked potato with 1 tablespoon fat free
sour cream (“Medium” means it fits in the cup of your hand.)
• 6 oz. sugar-free fruit-flavored yogurt
• 1 cup green tea
• Sirloin steak, grilled
• Tossed salad with 1 tablespoon olive oil and 2
tablespoons balsamic vinegar
• 1 cup green tea
• 1 cup fresh raspberries (or other in-season fruit) with 1 cup sugar-free fruit-flavored yogurt
• Mediterranean spread: ½ cup garbanzo beans (pureed and mixed with 1 tablespoon olive oil) and served on cucumber slices
Day 4
• Accelerate Cycle menu
Day 5
• ½ cup oatmeal or grits, cooked
• 4 egg whites, scrambled
• 1 fresh peach, sliced
• 1 cup green tea
• Shrimp salad: cooked shrimp, 3 tablespoons chopped onion, generous bed of lettuce leaves, 1 tomato (large) and 1 tablespoon olive oil
• 1 baked sweet potato, medium
• 1 cup green tea
• Pork sirloin chops, broiled or grilled
• Steamed veggies
• 1 cup green tea
• 1 cup blueberries with 6 oz. sugar-free fruit flavored yogurt
• 6 oz. sugar-free fruit-flavored yogurt or 1 cup kefir
Day 6
• Accelerate Cycle menu
Day 7
• 2 eggs, scrambled without oil
• 1 baked potato, diced, seasoned and browned in a small frying pan that has been coated with vegetable cooking spray
• 1 orange or other fresh fruit in season
• 1 cup green tea
• Black Bean Chili
• Large tossed salad with 1 tablespoon olive oil mixed with 2 tablespoons vinegar and seasoning
• 1 cup green tea
• Extra lean hamburger patty, broiled • Sliced fresh tomatoes, drizzled with fat-free salad dressing
• Green beans or other veggie, steamed
• 1 cup green tea
• Kefir smoothie
• 6 oz. sugar-free fruit-flavored yogurt
Day 8
• Accelerate Cycle menu
Day 9
• ½ cup Breakstone LiveActive cottage cheese
• 1 medium pear, sliced
• 1 cup green tea
• Grilled chicken breast
• ½ cup pinto beans
• ½ cup cooked corn
• 1 cup green tea
• Grilled salmon
• Steamed broccoli
• Sliced fresh tomato drizzled with 1 tablespoon of olive or flaxseed oil mixed with vinegar and seasonings
• 1 cup green tea
• 1 medium apple
• 6 oz. sugar-free fruit-flavored yogurt
Day 10
• Accelerate Cycle menu
Day 11
• Kefir smoothie (blended with 1 cup berries)
• 1 cup green tea
• Plenty of broiled hamburger
• 1 medium baked potato
• ½ cup peas
• Plenty of roasted turkey breast
• Steamed asparagus
• Large tossed salad with 1 tablespoon olive oil mixed with 2 tablespoons vinegar and seasoning
• 1 medium orange
• 6 oz. sugar-free fruit-flavored yogurt
Day 12
• Accelerate Cycle menu
Day 13
• 1 Dr. Mike’s Power Cookie
• 1 medium peach, sliced
• 1 cup green tea
• Low-Carb Primavera Delight
• 1 cup green tea
• Plenty of London broil
• Large tossed salad with 1 tablespoon olive oil mixed with 2 tablespoons vinegar and seasoning
• 1 cup green tea
• Yogurt Shake (blended with fruit)
• 2nd probiotic serving of your choice
Day 14
• Accelerate Cycle menu
Day 15
• 1 cup Lean Granola mixed with 6 oz. sugar free fruit-flavored yogurt (Note: 1 cup of Lean Granola gives you your 2 servings of natural starch for the day)
• 1 cup green tea
• Fruit salad: ½ cup LiveActive Breakstone cottage cheese with diced fruit (½ cup diced strawberries and ½ cup diced peach) served on a generous bed of lettuce
• 1 cup green tea
• Grilled pork chops
• Steamed or boiled cabbage
• Large tossed salad with 1 tablespoon olive oil mixed with 2 tablespoons vinegar and seasoning
• 1 cup green tea
• 1 medium apple or pear
• 2nd probiotic serving of your choice
Day 16
• Accelerate Cycle menu
Day 17
• 2 cooked eggs (scrambled, poached, etc.,
without oil)
• 1 cup fresh berries
• 1 cup green tea
• Grilled chicken breast
• 1 medium sweet potato or ½ cup mashed butternut squash
• ½ cup cooked corn
• 1 cup green tea
(Note: The servings of sweet potato and/or squash plus corn gives you your 2 servings of natural starch for the day)
• Grilled or boiled shrimp
• Steamed green beans
• Large tossed salad with 1 tablespoon olive oil mixed with 2 tablespoons vinegar and seasoning
• 1 cup green tea
• 1 medium orange or nectarine
• 2nd probiotic serving of your choice

1 comment:

  1. I have ot been able to follow the Activate menus at all! I have just made my own menus with what I have in the frig....I am hoping I did ok with weight loss as I know that you need to incorporate the foods to get the results. I think with the exception of two or three days that I have followed the cycle one more......worried.
